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Battlefield 1 mystery solved, spawning new mystery

Mystery upon mystery!

A scattered crew of spies, intelligence analysts, undercover agents, code crackers, and commando squads have solved a Battlefield 1 [official site] easter egg which unlocks a shiny bonus dog tag - and opens up a further mystery. This is nowhere near as cool as a monstrous prehistoric shark but hey, perhaps this will all lead to a 50-metre cybernetic Wilfred Owen striding across no man's land bellowing poetry. It'd be very authentic and respectful of his memory, I'm sure. In the meantime, you can faff around with a big ole puzzle to get a bauble.

Here, YouTuber Westie breaks it all down in a video:

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In short, yes, a huge faff that involves finding headphones, translating Morse code, scampering around battlefields, finding more messages, applying various ciphers, and staring at pigeons.

Do all that and you get a dogtag names A Beginning, which has the description "You've found something that does not belong to you." Oh mercy me, this is only the start?

It's probably Wilfred Owen's tag. After a string of treasure hunts uncover his rifle, pencil, and underpants, he becomes enraged. Also massive. And part-robot. His mecha rises from the grave, in a very respectful manner, and he roars laser beams until players line up and crank their microphones to sooth him with Siegfried Sassoon readings. Your reward: a new understanding of the complexities and horrors of war, and an achievement.

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