Battlefield 1 Deploys First Post-Launch Patch
A touch of polish
Battlefield 1 [official site] has received its first patch since the customary launch update which arrived alongside the game on Friday. If you've been playing over the weekend you may have noticed a few problems, and this patch does fix some of 'em, including incorrect class ranks. It should wing its way to you via the usual Origin update-o-way. Patch notes are over here but the forums have been throwing a hissy fit over who is and isn't allowed to access that so do read on.
Voila, your patch notes:
- Fix for one common and one uncommon client crash.
- Fixed a potential soft freeze in single player campaign connected to AI.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced getting stuck in the globe screen when cancelling matchmaking.
- Fixed an issue when trying to join multiple servers.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced weapon skins not being removed when scrapping items.
- Fixed an issue where players were missing 'The Insider' Dog Tag.
- Tweaked calculations of values in End of Round.
- Fixed issue where Class Rank was incorrect.
-Note: This fix may result in players going down in Class Rank to the correct rank. In this scenario, any unlocks purchased at a higher and incorrect rank will not be lost.
- PC: Fixed an occasional crash when a user shutdown the game.
- PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced troubles with A and X button functionality on PC while using an Xbox One controller.
- PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced crashing while closing the client during streaming installation.
- Fixed two issues in the 'Through Mud and Blood' War Story where no new objectives would appear.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced wrong info in loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where players were missing the Dog Tag counter.
- Fixed an issue where English text would appear for players in non-English regions.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced a placeholder image when opening the Operations menu for the first time.
- PC: Fixed an issue where players were missing an option to display controller button prompts.
Fixed an issue where players experienced End of Round screen not loading.Graphics
- Fixed a crash related to soldier animation.
- Fixed a graphical glitch when exiting a War Story and going to the main menu.
- Fixed an issue where players experienced player icon overlapping while matchmaking on console.
- PC: Temporal anti-aliasing is now the default anti-aliasing mode on medium graphics quality.
- PC: Fix for a graphical issue causing artifacts in shadows.
Those are some patch notes right there all right. If Brendy were here - he who told us Wot He Thinks BF1 - I'm sure he'd have some more insight. Me? Ah, yes, I certainly can see why you might want those crashes fixed. Tidy up those glitches too. Yes, graphical glitches are a problem in war all right - I'm sure Wilfred Owen wrote poems about 'em? And weren't 'End of Round' problems the driving force behind Siegfried Sassoon's anti-war protest? Yes, yes.