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BeGone, The Multiplayer Browser Shooter

Yikes! This is the most impressive Unity-powered project I've seen to date. BeGone is a butter-smooth, not-at-all-ugly multiplayer FPS you can play right out of your browser. Click on the link, pick a server, wait some seconds and you're off, engaging in hot manshoots with up to 11 other players. You hear that? That's the sound of the past crunching under the heavy boot of Tomorrow. Go play, or watch some footage after the jump. News courtesy of the ever-independent Indiegames blog.

Obviously it's very basic as shooters go, but to chastise the game itself is missing the point. This is both a showcase of what Unity can do and a miniature landmark in the world of webgames.

If you're not familiar with RPS's own adventures making a game in Unity, aka RockPaperShotgUnity, they're well worth checking out. We made a game! A creepy, creepy one, thus revealing the thick, syrupy darkness that lies in the heart of RPS.

Watch on YouTube

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