Best Kobolds and Catacombs decks (KAC)
The best decks for each Hearthstone hero in Kobolds and Catacombs.
Kobolds and Catacombs is the latest expansion to hit Hearthstone, and it not only introduces 135 new cards to the game, it also adds Legendary weapons for every hero, a new Spellstone mechanic, the Recruit keyword, and a new roguelike Dungeon Run mode. Since the expansion went live at the end of last week we've seen loads of new archetypes pop up, along with updated versions of old favourites.
From this article you'll be able to access every last one of those decks, and we'll be both adding to the collection and updating existing lists throughout December. Even better, you can click on each link to gain access to a comprehensive guide that explains how to play the decks in question. Expect the strategy advice in those to grow a lot in the weeks ahead as well.
Update - 12th December 2017
We've added a huge number of decks to this article since the game went live, and have now updated the intros to give you an overview of how each deck stacks up with the others. Keep this page bookmarked as we'll have ongoing updates throughout December.
Best Druid decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
The Taunt (or Recruit) Druid deck that was tipped to be big in the Kobolds meta has yet to really take off but it's early days yet. Instead, it's looking increasingly likely that Aggro Token Druid will be the one to watch in the short term at least. A new version of Jade Druid is also in circulation, but can it retain its power-rating in a new meta? We'll have to wait and see.
Another interesting new deck that's seeing some play by the pros is Miracle Druid, but again it feels like it's on the fringes of the meta right now. Another fringe deck can be found in the form of Malygos Druid, but it seems to pop up at the start of every new expansion without every really taking off.
- 1. Aggro Token Druid - Aggro Token Druid deck list guide
- 2. Big Druid - Big Druid deck list guide
- 3. Jade Druid - Jade Druid deck list guide
- 4. Malygos Druid - Malygos Druid deck list guide
- 5. Miracle Druid - Miracle Druid deck list guide
- 6. Taunt Recruit Druid - Taunt Recruit Druid deck list guide
Best Hunter decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
At least the Hunter's got a few new toys to play with in Kobolds and Catacombs. The hotly-tipped Spell Hunter (or Miracle Hunter as some have termed it) is seeing a lot of play at the moment but is possibly not as powerful as we'd all hoped. Alternatively you can have a go at playing Big Hunter, which attempts to draw into the late-game a little earlier than expected.
Midrange Hunter isn't looking particularly exciting at the moment, but a lot of buzz is being generated around a new version of Face Hunter. With Pirate Warrior looking decidedly odd at the moment, might Face Hunter become the dominant aggro deck once more? Watch this space, as we'll be updating this deck's place in the pecking order in an imminent update.
- 1. Big Hunter - Big Hunter deck list guide
- 2. Face Hunter - Face Hunter deck list guide
- 2. Midrange Hunter - Midrange Hunter deck list guide
- 3. Spell Hunter - Spell Hunter deck list guide
Best Mage decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
We want Big Spell Mage to work a whole lot more than we suspect reality will accommodate but goodness it looks like fun. Keep your fingers crossed for this one, as it's high time Mage players had something more interesting to play with on the ladder.
Another interesting deck is the all-new Exodia Mage which abandons the previous Quest requirement and leans on the cost-reduction effect of Leylien Manipulator. It's a little odd to see Blizzard bypass a Legendary like this, but they clearly want the archetype to see more play.
If neither of those takes your fancy, there's always good old Secret (or Tempo) Mage which has a couple of new tools in its arsenal.
- 1. Big Spell Mage - Big Spell Mage deck list guide
- 2. Exodia Mage - Exodia Mage deck list guide
- 3. Secret Mage - Secret Mage list guide
Best Paladin decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
Just like before the Paladin has plenty of options, but only two - Aggro and Murloc - Paladin are sticking out as real contenders. Suffice to say it's not looking good for Hand Buff Paladin, particularly with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan leaving Standard in a matter of months.
There's still time for Silver Hand Recruit Paladin to make a more meaningful play on the meta though, but we're not holding out much hope for the revived fortunes of Quest Paladin - sorry Kibler.
- 1. Aggro Paladin - Aggro Paladin deck list guide
- 2. Hand Buff Paladin - Hand Buff Paladin deck list guide
- 3. Murloc Paladin - Murloc Paladin deck list guide
- 4. Recruit Paladin - Recruit Paladin deck list guide
- 5. Quest Paladin - Quest Paladin deck list guide
Best Priest decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
Kobolds and Catacombs
Psychic Scream is widely predicted to do new and even more overpowered things for Highlander Priest, but Dragon Priest is also building up a head of steam right now. We built a guide for Temporus Priest but that was largely to pay tribute to our card reveal. Otherwise check out Spell and Big Priest - they're both a lot of fun to play right now.
- 1. Big Priest - Big Priest deck list guide
- 2. Dragon Priest - Dragon Priest deck list guide
- 3. Highlander Priest - Highlander Priest deck list guide
- 4. Silence Priest - Silence Priest deck list guide
- 5. Spell Priest - Spell Priest deck list guide
- 6. Temporus Priest - Temporus Priest deck list guide
Best Rogue decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
A Weapon Rogue deck built entirely around Kingsbane is seeing a fair bit of play at the moment, although we suspect it will find its natural home in Miracle Rogue. Quest Rogue is back too - believe it or not - and the dominant Tempo Rogue continues to bother just about every corner of the new meta as well.
Kobolds and Catacombs
- 1. Kingsbane Weapon Rogue - Kingsbane Weapon Rogue deck list guide
- 2. Miracle Rogue - Miracle Rogue deck list guide
- 3. Quest Rogue - Quest Rogue deck list guide
- 4. Tempo Rogue - Tempo Rogue deck list guide
Best Shaman decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
So many experiments, but so much uncertainty for the Shaman right now. After the dominance of Evolve Shaman in the Frozen Throne era, the class is perhaps overdue a bit of time on the bench but it was hardly spoiled for choice before the release of Kobolds and Catacombs.
- 1. Elemental Shaman - Elemental Shaman deck list guide
- 2. Evolve Shaman - Evolve Shaman deck list guide
- 3. Overload Shaman - Overload Shaman deck list guide
- 4. Totem Shaman - Totem Shaman deck list guide
Best Warlock decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
Zoo is the strongest Warlock deck seeing play right now but Demonlock has definitely caught the attention of the pros with a few new deck lists flying about. We're going to let that one settle for a few days before writing a guide to the definitive version.
Control and Quest experiments are taking place too, but neither are settled archetypes right now. These are going to take a bit more time in the oven, we suspect.
Kobolds and Catacombs
- 1. Cubelock - Cubelock deck list guide
- 2. Control Warlock - Quest Warlock deck list guide
- 3. Demon Warlock - Demon Warlock deck list guide
- 4. Quest Warlock - Quest Warlock deck list guide
- 5. Zoo Warlock - Zoo Warlock deck list guide
Best Warrior decks for Kobolds and Catacombs (KAC)
Kobolds and Catacombs
Big Warrior is almost certainly going to be...well, big in Kobolds and Catacombs. Stuffed with all the Recruit goodness you've been hoping for, our guide is already ready to go for launch. There's also an interesting new take on Pirate Warrior to play around with as well.
We're waiting for the Control decks to settle down a bit before settling on one, but expect an update on that front very shortly.
- 1. Big Recruit Warrior - Big Recruit Warrior deck list guide
- 2. Pirate Warrior - Pirate Warrior deck list guide