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Black Ops Multiplayer Looks Like This

I have very rarely played Modern Warfare 1 or 2 online, so pray forgive me for not knowing which bits of this video specifically-prompted the internet-wide squeeeee! earlier today. Looks broadly like I would expect it to look, and as I suspect it should look if it's not to create titanic outrage - although I did particularly like the exploding crossbow. (Even though Timeshift did it first.)

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"Full multiplayer reveal in September", eh? I know Activision have been making some enormous claims about how much they've invested in that side of the game (even claiming CODBlOps is their biggest-ever launch), but it can be incredibly hard to differentiate between business-minded chest-thumping and genuine promises of spangly newness.

The game's due for November, but I rather suspect we'll be unable to escape coverage of it come September, as Activision may elect to steal the Autumnal limelight from Halo Reach and Medal of Honor.

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