PreLC: Borderlands 2 Mecromancer Out Early
If you like games about shooting and collecting and shooting and collecting and shooting and collecting and being yelled at all the while, you'll be glad to hear that the first major DLC for Borderlands 2 has been released a week earlier than planned. Gaige The Mechromancer is a new playable class/character for the game, and the one who offers the vaguely notorious newbie player-orientated skill tree. Though that is in addition to abilities that offers precision, brutality, robo-biffing and all that good stuff. You can play with the tech tree to see the various builds here, in fact. Also, she gets a pet robot who has the head of Shockwave from the Transformers.
I'd quite like to play as Gaige because I quite like Shockwave from the Transformers, but to be honest Borderlands 2 makes me feel tired and old, so I'm going back to XCOM instead. Good to see Gearbox aren't being sticklers for deadlines, though.
After a bit of Twitter-teasing about a surprise, which I hoped was going to be a puppy but was sadly denied, Gearboss Randy Pitchford last night revealed that the Mechromancer DLC would be out today rather than the 16th as originally planned.
The DLC is £8. Is that reasonable for a new class? I don't even know any more. Why, I'd almost be willing to bet that some people will have different opinions about it than other people do.