Borderlands 3 launch trailer launches early
Banger of a Queen tune
With Borderlands 3 arriving on Friday, 2K have tried to lay claim to this whole week by debuting the launch trailer today. It's an audacious move but one I'll allow because it digs up an early Queen banger and I'm grateful for the reminder.
I am also posting this to point out that one thing which won't be early is our review. It seems only American media have received early access to the game, so at launch we'll be swamped with reviews sorely deficient in the letter "U" and too abundant in "fanny packs". Going on about "filling your fanny pack with colorful loot." Don't you dare write that, Americans.
Seven Seas of Rhye, yes mate.
"Borderlands 3 sure is more Borderlands," our Matt said when he played a bit at E3 in June. Which I believe is broadly what Borderfans want - more shooting, more looting, more planets to shoot and loot upon?
Borderlands 3 launches Friday the 13th on the Epic Games Store priced at £50. It'll launch at the stroke of midnight for us, which means those spoiled-rotten Americans will get it on Thursday night. Preloading should start 48 hours before that. A Steam release will follow six months after the Epic debut, which is six shorter than the usual Epic exclusivity period.