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(We Think) Brink Slinks Back To UK Steam

Splash Damage's solid team-manshoot Brink has been out for a million years by now, of course. Except if you live in land of chaotic weather and fine tea known as the UK and like to buy your PC games via Steam, in which case it's only just come out. Our inquiries into why it's been missing from Brit-Steam for so long have only ever been met with no comments, but whatever the problem was (a disagreement with Steam ToCs? Something to do with keeping retailers happy? A mountain goat chewed an important cable? We can but speculate.)

Well, now it's back. Why? We don't know. Too late to mean much? We don't know. All we know is that a) it's back and b) it's discounted by 25% for the time being, which means the price is an eminently reasonable £22.49 (which is still dearer than retail). Free DLC's due soon, so maybe now's a decent time to take its bytes and force them onto your hard drive if you haven't already.

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