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Budget Saviors of Uldum Decks - Cheap deck lists for the casual Hearthstone player

How to enjoy the new Saviors of Uldum expansion on a budget!

The new expansion is almost here, and it’s hard to know where to begin. A host of brand new cards are here, and you don’t want to spend your limited amounts of Arcane Dust this early on crafting the deck you’re after.

We’ve decided to help you out by adding our favourite budget deck lists for this stage of the Saviors of Uldum meta.

We'll have another update for you after launch, but for the moment, here are the best decks to start you out in Saviors of Uldum.

Budget Saviors of Uldum Druid Deck List

Here's a version of Token Druid for the Doom in the Tomb era of Saviors of Uldum. The deck contains two Legendary minions, but both SN1P-SN4P and Archmage Vargoth should already be in your collection, as they were given away for free recently, but if you don’t have them, it’s not essential. Just bung in a couple of Violet Teachers or Harvest Golems instead. This deck (excluding the two free Legendaries) costs 1240 dust to craft from scratch, but you probably have a good chunk of the cards already. Replacements-wise, Garden Gnome is a great addition ahead of some of the less powerful cards too, activated by The Forest's Aid.

(Our Token Druid guide will help you pilot this deck if you need some tips for getting started.)


2 x Acornbearer2 x Mecharoo
2 x Dreamway Guardians2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Power of the Wild2 x Microtech Controller
2 x BEEEES!!!2 x Razorfen Hunter
2 x Blessing of the Ancients1 x SN1P-SN4P
2 x Landscaping1 x Archmage Vargoth
2 x Savage Roar
2 x Soul of the Forest
2 x Swipe
2 x The Forest's Aid

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.


Budget Saviors of Uldum Hunter Deck List

This budget Midrange Hunter deck costs 1760 dust to build from scratch. Thanks to the Doom in the Tomb event, you’ll have been given Call of the Wild for free, so you don’t need to spend 400 dust to get this curve-topper. Unfortunately, the only Epic card in the deck is Master’s Call, and it’s an essential part of the list. Upgrades to the deck are simple: Zul'jin. Whack him in there if you happen to have a copy, and it can be the final game-winner you’re missing. The deck still works without him though!

(We've got a Midrange Hunter guide which goes into more detail on playing this archetype.)


2 x Shimmerfly2 x Vicious Scalehide
2 x Springpaw
2 x Timber Wolf
1 x Tracking
2 x Scavenging Hyena
2 x Animal Companion
2 x Deadly Shot
2 x Desert Spear
2 x Kill Command
2 x Master's Call
2 x Unleash the Hounds
2 x Dire Frenzy
2 x Tundra Rhino
2 x Unleash the Beast
1 x Call of the Wild

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAR8Clwjb0gMOqAK1A94EuwXFCNsJgQr27ALJ+AKghQOkiAP5lgOenQPkpAMA

Budget Saviors of Uldum Mage Deck List

Cyclone Mage is making a comeback in Saviors of Uldum. This budget version we’ve put together removes Stargazer Luna and as many Epic cards as possible, keeping Mana Cyclone in there since it’s an essential part of the deck. Thanks to Doom in the Tomb, Flamewaker and Babbling Book are great additions. Emperor Thaurissan, also free until the next major update, is a great combo enabler.

It's worth having a glance at our Cyclone Mage guide to get to grips with this archetype.


2 x Elemental Evocation1 x Banana Buffoon
2 x Arcane Missiles1 x Emperor Thaurissan
2 x Babbling Book
2 x Magic Trick
2 x Mirror Image
2 x Ray of Frost
2 x Shooting Star
1 x Arcane Explosion
2 x Frostbolt
2 x Mana Cyclone
2 x Research Project
2 x Sorcerer's Apprentice
2 x Arcane Intellect
2 x Flamewaker
1 x Frost Nova

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAf0EAA8AAAAAcZ4BwwG7AqsElgXsBckNtPwCvpgDn5sDAA==

Budget Saviors of Uldum Paladin Deck List

Secret Paladin isn’t massively popular in the current meta, but with the return of Mysterious Challenger for free until the next major update, it’s a solid cheap choice for the moment. This version only costs 1420 Dust to take to the ladder.

(Have a look through our core Secret Paladin guide for more help playing this archetype.)


2 x Autodefense Matrix2 x Secretkeeper
2 x Avenge2 x Sunreaver Spy
1 x Blessing of Wisdom1 x Emperor Thaurissan
1 x Crystology
2 x Desperate Measures
1 x Never Surrender!
2 x Noble Sacrifice
1 x Redemption
1 x Flash of Light
2 x Mysterious Blade
2 x Bellringer Sentry
2 x Blessing of Kings
2 x Hammer of Wrath
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Mysterious Challenger

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAcOfAwaMAd0K2f4C7IYDjpoD59IDDJ4B+gHIBM8Grwet8gLY/gL5kwO+mAOQmgPY0gPZ0gMA

Budget Saviors of Uldum Priest Deck List

Combo Priest is a tough deck to play and requires a lot of thinking ahead to best skilled opponents. This is especially true with this budget version, as we’re unable to play High Priest Amet and Bwonsamdi, the Dead. All the tools you need are there though, so give it a shot even without the extra legendaries. We’ve put Emperor Thaurissan in there too, as that discount can make it far easier to pull off some spicy combos. This version of Combo Priest will cost 1380 Dust to craft from nothing. If you happen to have the cards or extra dust, feel free to toss in a Psychopomp or two to replace Vol'jin or a Silence.

(For more help playing this kind of deck, have a look at our comprehensive Combo Priest guide which contains loads of tips and tricks.)


2 x Circle of Healing2 x Beaming Sidekick
2 x Silence2 x Lightwarden
2 x Topsy Turvy2 x Injured Tol'vir
2 x Inner Fire 2 x Neferset Ritualist
2 x Northshire Cleric 1 x Acolyte of Pain
2 x Power Word: Shield2 x Wild Pyromancer
2 x Divine Spirit2 x Injured Blademaster
1 x Extra Arms 1 x Emperor Thaurissan
1 x Vol'jin

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAa0GBPsM5fcC39ID59IDDfgC5QT2B9UIpQnRCtIK8gz3DND+AtKlA/2nA4SoAwA=

Budget Saviors of Uldum Rogue Deck List

Thief Rogue has received a lot of help with all the Wild cards coming back to Standard for Doom in the Tomb. Here’s our latest budget version, featuring Shaku, the Collector as a free card everyone gets to try out. This deck will set you back 1300 Dust if you’ve got an empty collection at the moment.

(Head over to our Tempo Rogue guide for tips on how to play this kind of deck - you’ll want to keep tempo whilst taking into advantage of your Thief synergies.)


2 x Backstab1 x EVIL Cable Rat
2 x Shadowstep1 x Hench-Clan Thug
2 x Deadly Poison
2 x Pharaoh Cat
2 x Pilfer
2 x Swashburglar
2 x Eviscerate
2 x Sap
2 x Underbelly Fence
2 x Blink Fox
1 x Shaku, the Collector
2 x EVIL Miscreant
2 x Hench-Clan Burglar
2 x Vendetta
1 x Bazaar Mugger

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAYO6AgSm7wK0kQOqqAPc0gMNtAHtAssDzQOIB8f4Ao+XA5CXA6iYA/uaA/6aA/WnA93SAwA=

Budget Saviors of Uldum Shaman Deck List

Murloc Shaman has been at the top of the meta for a while. Here’s our budget version, for 1400 dust, but if you can, slot in a couple of Murloc Warleaders, as they’ll improve the deck massively. It still works without them though!:

(Our Murloc Shaman guide goes in-depth on how to get more out of this kind of Hearthstone deck.)


2 x Sludge Slurper2 x Grimscale Oracle
2 x Ghost Light Angler2 x Murloc Raider
2 x Soul of the Murloc2 x Murloc Tidecaller
2 x Underbelly Angler2 x Murmy
2 x Bloodlust2 x Toxfin
2 x Bluegill Warrior
2 x Fishflinger
2 x Murloc Tidehunter
2 x Coldlight Seer
2 x Murloc Tastyfin

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAfWfAwAPvwHFA9sD/gPjBdAHkwnw8wLiiQOMlAO1mAPGmQP0mQOvpwPKqwMA

Budget Saviors of Uldum Warlock Deck List

Zoo Warlock is one of Hearthstone's evergreen archetypes, and our version costs just 1280 Dust to build. We’ve slotted in Imp Gang Boss, as it’s been added to the Standard format for the Doom in the Tomb event, so you can give it a try if you never got to play with the card back in its day.

(Head over to our Zoo Warlock guide for tips on how to play this kind of deck.)


2 x Flame Imp2 x Abusive Sergeant
2 x Grim Rally2 x Argent Squire
2 x Sinister Deal2 x Mecharoo
2 x Soul Infusion2 x Dire Wolf Alpha
2 x Soulfire2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Voidwalker2 x Scarab Egg
2 x EVIL Genius
2 x EVIL Recruiter
2 x Imp Gang Boss

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAf0GAA8w8gH1Bc4H2QexCMII0/gC9v0C3IYDxIkDiJ0D+qQD/KQD1skDAA==

Budget Saviors of Uldum Warrior Deck List

Warrior is known as one of the more ‘expensive’ classes to find a good deck for. Often, a lot of legendaries are required to make it work. However, here is our favourite Tempo Warrior deck list, making use of the free Legendary minion Archmage Vargoth. This Tempo Warrior deck will cost 2880 dust if you happen to have none of the cards already in your collection. If you can, feel free to replace some of the less powerful cards like Upgradeable Framebot with the likes of Livewire Lance and Leeroy Jenkins.

(Head over to our Aggro Warrior guide for tips on how to play this kind of deck.)


2 x Inner Rage2 x Upgradeable Framebot
1 x Devastate2 x Acolyte of Pain
2 x Eternium Rover2 x Archmage Vargoth
2 x Improve Morale
2 x Battle Rage
2 x Cruel Taskmaster
2 x Dragon Roar
2 x Frightened Flunky
2 x Redband Wasp
2 x Bloodsworn Mercenary
2 x Clockwork Goblin
2 x Frothing Berserker
2 x Shield Block

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAQcC+IYD1pkDDhadApADjgX/B/sMhe0CkfsCs/wCqosDl5QDhJ8DgqgD3KkDAA==

That’s it for our guide on budget decks for Saviors of Uldum! We’ve updated these to account for the brand new cards brought about for Doom in the Tomb from Wild format, and we’ll keep you posted on any big shifts in the meta.

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