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Cyberwizards & Robobees In 13 Mins Of Cod Blops 3 Co-op

Hack the planet!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 [official site] turns soldiers into cyberwizards with dominion over cyberbrains and robobees, but does that make the game much different from any other CoD, Blops or otherwise? For the first ten minutes of a new thirteen-minute gameplay trailer showing off four-player co-op, the answer appears to be no. Soldiers run along corridors in a sandy city and shout and shoot and there's a cinematic where a man dies and oh it's so very tragic. The final three minutes, however, venture into one of the boss battle arenas, and that looks a whole lot more fun.

With big battles where all players need to use their cyberwizardy to summon bees, possess drones, turn mechanical men friendly, make dudes puke, and pop off grenades on people's vests while wall-running and blasting with honking great guns, yeah, that looks pretty good! Co-op is a nice addition, and I'm glad it'll offer the option to be a lady cyberwizard too. It's still a game I'll wait to pick up on sale, as the series' core competitive multiplayer isn't really to my tastes, but I'll look forward to that cooperative cyberwizardy.

This video is taken from the PlayStation 4 version of Cod Blops 2, so expect it to look a little better on PC as it'll have a field of view slider amongst its nice PC bits.

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Cod Blops 3 is due on November 6th.

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