Call Of Duty: Black Ops Reveals Multiplayer
Last night saw some new information about Call Of Duty: Black Ops appearing, along with a selection of new trailers. Formerly "the one in-between the Modern Warfare games", this title is presumably of an awful lot more importance since the Infinity Ward debacle. Most importantly, last night Treyarch revealed the multiplayer mode for the game.
So amongst the new is the offline bot mode, Combat Training. You've got a new in-game currency, COD Points, that let you buy new bits and bobs with pretend-o-cash earned as you play, and can be gambled in Wager matches. Ooh, they sound interesting. This is available in four new game modes, being One In The Chamber (one bullet in your gun, and three lives), Gun Game (where you must progress through all the available weapons), Sharp Shooter (everyone gets the same randomly selected weapon for a period of time, which will change throughout the match) and Sticks And Stones (melee and thrown weapons only). The top three players will make money in a game - much like a 10-seater sit-and-go poker game, I suppose. In fact, if you want to learn about that bit, watch this bit.
You can see another montage of these game modes running here:
I love the idea that this is how black ops work, all furiously racing around an industrial complex.
And finally, here's a montage of the Team Deathmatch mode:
The game is due out on the 9th November this year, and will likely be a whopping Christmas seller. Although perhaps not quite the explosion that saw most other games delaying into the following year when threatened with last year's Modern Warfare 2.