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Chew over the most important PC gaming news of the week, live now!

It's Monday night! Rejoice!

The PC Gaming Weekspot, RPS' weekly look at PC games news, returns this very night (right now, in fact, 6pm BST) for the RPS VidBuds to entertain you live and on your screens. This week Colm and Matthew will be taking a look at the Halo Infinite delay announced last week, new details on Dead Space developer Visceral Games' cancelled Star Wars game, Epic Games taking on Apple and Google over Fortnite, and more! All with interaction and input from you, the viewer, as you get involved in the chat.

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As well as all that, both Colm and Matthew have been playing the Marvel's Avengers beta, so you're in for plenty of lovely Marvel's Avengers impressions and even some wonderful Marvel's Avengers gameplay footage. How delightful is that? Plus, everyone's favourite quiz, Mystery Steam Reviews, returns yet again to pit the Vidbuds against one another. There may be some residual bad feeling left over from last week. The also tell me they've got a big interview planned for the end of the show...

If you like what you see of the VidBuds, don't forget to like and subscribe to the YouTube channel. That way you'll definitely never miss a Weekspot, or any of the famous Bastard Run livestreams. Don't tell us Matthew wearing a tuxedo every week was all for nothing.

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