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Crysis Multiplayer Beta

It's the night of the New Game Download. The Crysis multiplayer beta, oddly described as "Friends and family", is accessible to anyone with a Founders' Club FilePlanet account. Which anyone can get by paying IGN's insanely awful download service $10 they don't need or deserve.

Spaces on this beta are limited, with more due later as it's rolled out to the more general public. So get in there quick if you think early access to Crysis is worth £5 of your penny jar collective.

Not that I'm bitter or anything, after having a friend on the inside who'd got me onto this "Friends and family only" beta, receiving an email that told me it was secret, shhhh, and not to tell, and then finding that the hoi poloi are downloading it willy nilly. Dreadful people littering my private beta access, leaving their cigarette butts everywhere I shouldn't wonder. Grumble.

EDIT: And they're all gone. I can go back to feeling smug now.

FURTHER EDIT: Remember you're under NDA before commenting, everybody.

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