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Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed (again) into November

A cold, neon-tinted winter

Once again, Cyberpunk 2077 is coming out a little later than planned. Despite assuring would-be hackers that they wouldn't be delaying their September launch, developers CD Projekt Red reckon their long-awaited neon blockbuster needs another two months of polish. Sorry, Keanu - it looks like we'll have to reschedule our Night City hang-out sesh. How's November 19th for you?

CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwiński and studio head Adam Badowski broke the news earlier today via Twitter, adding a whole two months onto Cyberpunk's due date.

This wouldn't be the first time Cyberpunk 2077 has been released. Initially, CD Projekt's neon sprawl would've come out this April - though that date was scrapped in favour of a September launch. Even as the industry grappled with the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, CD Projekt stuck to their guns - confident that they'd manage to get Cyberpunk out the door, as planned.

"There is no shortage of motivation and we also possess all the tools needed to facilitate remote work. We’ve been operating in this mode for over three weeks and to-date results confirm that we can carry on with all our operations without major disruptions. Our plans haven’t changed – we’re steaming towards the September release of Cyberpunk."

Covid-related or not, though, CD Projekt now feel they need another few months to polish up Night City. Cyberpunk 2077 is content-complete, it seems, and these extra weeks will be used to "properly go through everything" - balancing mechanics, fixing up the last few bugs, that sorta thing.

We won't have to wait that long to see more of Cyberpunk 2077, mind. CDPR still plan on holding a "Night City Wire" event on June 25th, opening the floodgates to preview coverage soon after. It'll be our best shot at seeing what's changed since Matt got his mitts on a somewhat underwhelming E3 demo last year.

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