Demon-Stration: Hellraid Interactive Trailer
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Games aren't dead. PC games aren't dead. Adventure games aren't dead. Hell, people are making adventure games out of Youtube clips, stitching together choose-your-own-adventure games through clips and links. That's not dead, just weird. Games are weird, everyone! Edyn's Escape is an interactive trailer for Techland's up and coming FPS slasher, Hellraid. You will see a bit of the game and then make a decision about what happens next. Like RPS articles, you need to click through to see the result. Unlike most RPS articles, apart from that one where I accidentally imbued the text with a culling song from Scottish folklore, there's a 50/50 chance you'll end up dead with each decision. Click to see it below.
*boom* You are dead. Aha! Just kidding, but that's the sort of thing you can expect if you continue with this trailer sequence. It's apparantly a small prequel to the main game, though that context is meaningless. It doesn't say much about the game that we didn't already know: it'll be a trawl through skeleton-packed castles full of loot. There will be hitting and magic. What it doesn't show is the co-operative mode, where you can play with a team of four, or that the action will be governed by an AI GM, so things will be different with each playthrough. It's all pretty standard stuff, but it looks utterly gorgeous, and my Steam-hole has room for a brainless, co-op demon-basher.
Hints: you should err on the side of searching and going right.
It's scheduled to be out this year.