BATMAN! Game Informer's new issue reveals Batman: Arkham Asylum, a bat-chap game from Rocksteady Studios who you may know from (er) not much, but they're fellow North London boys, so I'll nod at them respectively. While games like Assasin's Creed may have hinted how a more open-world Batman game would work, from the very scant information here, it doesn't appear the way they're going - Bioshock is namechecked, and the setting of Gotham's favourite Bedlam implies an intense closed environment. Main interesting info is that its story is co-written by Paul Dini who you'll know from being the main architect of Batman: The Animated Series. Which is good. Apparently. Formats aren't mentioned, but I hear down the grapevine they'll include the PC. Which is good news, as we're a PC site and all.
The history of Batman and videogame's a fun one - I suspect an article looking at some of the more oddball, and surpsingly rewarding, approaches could be entertaining. In the meantime though - what would you want to see in a Batman game? Bar tricks with pencils, obv.