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Disclaimer! Gunpoint Has A Level Editor

Disclaimer! I worked with Tom Francis for seven years on PC Gamer, though we rarely made physical contact. There, now that's out the way I feel better. But even if I hadn't worked with him, I'd be keen to point out his latest update on Gunpoint to you. Disclaimer! Tom sat beside me for five of those years, sipping his own brewed coffee and saying: "Ahhh, coffee: thriller of tastebuds, lover of tonsils, warmer of tummies. Get in me.". Gunpoint is Tom's first game, a 2D world-hacking detective 'em up. I don't know when it'll be finished. I don't know how much it'll cost. I do know that it'll have a level editor, as Tom has released a video showing it off. Disclaimer! it's below.

Disclaimer! Tom looks so fetching in shadow that he carries an elaborate set of lights around with him, and a recording of me telling him how dashing he looks. As for Gunpoint, this level editor is the most requested feature. Like all good developers everywhere, Tom listened to the fans and made it for them. Disclaimer! He always stands in the corner of the room at social functions, and has prepared statements for every conversational eventuality stuck to the brim of his hat. The trailer shows what he's been making, which means it shows what you'll be able to make as well. Disclaimer! Tom has compromising photos of me, and unless I keep him "in the manner he's used to" he'll "mince me like he minced my cat".

Watch on YouTube

Disclaimer! I miss my cat. I'll get you, Francis.

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