Endless Space 2 reveals its spacetreants
It's T minus ten days to the full launch of Endless Space 2 [official site] and we finally have a look at the eighth and final playable faction of Amplitude's space strategy game. The Unfallen are a species of treants who've taken to the stars in driftwood-y ships to spread peace and harmony. They sound a pretty neat bunch, slowly branching out into nearby systems while making friends and boosting allies. Bless the little darlings. Here, watch their introduction:
As for what they do, developers Amplitude Studios explained in today's announcement:
"The Unfallen civilization, completely designed by the community, utilizes gameplay modeled around a tree metaphor, with the Unfallen's homeworld being the trunk, as they slowly expand via their tendrils - colonizing systems that are nearest their homeworld. To lose their homeworld is to lose their entire empire, as the Unfallen must maintain contact with their homeworld to survive.
"Players of the Unfallen will favor the 'slow and steady' pacifist style of play, rather than rushing out to conquer as quickly as possible – expanding their 'branches' as they go, while seeking symbiosis with the other factions and providing bonuses to their allies. The Unfallen are also in synch with nature and have the unique ability to awaken the Guardians, beings that normally lie dormant on planets, which when awoken, provide benefits to their owner and friends, and penalties to their foes."
Endless Space 2 has been in early access since October 2016. It was promising back then so I'm keen to see how it shapes up when the full launch blasts off on May 19th.