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Exo One channels Kubrick, Dear Esther and Carl Sagan

Swooshing in space

Whenever I post about the delightful 3D sci-fi momentum-based explorer Exo One [official site] on RPS the comments are always interested and enthusiastic. With that in mind I figured you might be interested in a video with dev commentary which digs a bit further into the game's structure/chill-ness and developer Jay Weston's influences - everything from Dear Esther to Carl Sagan's novel, Contact:

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I must admit that I watched the video and cursed myself for not demanding a demo build when I played it at Rezzed earlier this year. I, your Exo One correspondent, am a dumdum.

Anyway, to give you an idea of how enthused I am when it comes to this game, I paused Metallica's Hardwired... To Self-Destruct for a full 5 minutes and 38 seconds for this video. I was on Moth Into Flame as well so this is no mean praise. These videos always seem to coincide with me listening to bands I was into as a teenager - when I posted about the Kickstarter it was Nirvana's MTV Unplugged album.

That Kickstarter is still going, by the way. It's in its final few days so take a peek if you're curious - the target is AU$35,000 (just over £20,000) - as there's a chunk more info in the campaign blurb and the FAQs!

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