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Planetary whoosher Exo One swoops onto Kickstarter

Keep rollin'

Remember I was excited about Exo One [official site] at Rezzed? It's that momentum-based planet explorer game where you swoosh round as a ball and a frisbee. It has also just started a crowdfunding drive on that Kickstarter platform I hear so much about these days. OBSERVE:

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I even paused listening to Nirvana's MTV Unplugged album to watch the trailer which, if you know how I feel about Nirvana you will appreciate is a sign of great respect.

Said trailer offers more of an injection of the actual story behind the game than I think was included in the Rezzed build. Although the specifics of the story are different it put me in mind of the coverage around Cassini's final few months which is unfolding on NASA's channels at the moment. There's a sort of desolate, space romance to the game with that sweep of movement and swell of music against sparse terrain, you know?

The Kickstarter is asking for AU$35,000 (£20k) which developer Jay Weston explains is "to complete the core game, which includes 10 more planets, a similar number of music tracks, story refinement, concept art, and the voice over narration."

OBVIOUSLY the usual crowdfunding caveats apply and there's a bunch more information on the funding page if you want to pick through it for further bits and bobs.

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