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Fallout 4 Will Be Preloadable Ahead Of Nov 10th Release


You'll be able to preload Fallout 4 [official site] on Steam ahead of its November 10th release. The exact time and data of the preload have yet to be set, but this is good news if you were planning on taking launch day off work, shipping the kids off to their grandparents, dressing up in Pip-Boy cosplay, and playing Bethesda's new RPG the moment it launches.

Bethesda PR chap Pete Hines confirmed preloading with a tweet, writing that "We will offer preloading for Fallout 4 on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Exact day/time TBA. All should be available a few days before launch day." Look, I can prove it:

One of my fondest games-related memories is going into an office early with two friends so we could start playing simultaneously at the 8am launch of Half-Life 2: Episode 1. That wouldn't have worked if we couldn't have pre-installed it, ready to be thrilled at returning to Alyx and slightly frustrated by those over-long City 17 street sections in unison. Preloading isn't available for every game however, which is why it's worth noting when it is.

If you're planning on buying Fallout 4 on disc, don't think this doesn't affect you: even disc copies of the game will require some measure of download from Steam. Wastelands need a lot of textures.

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