Forkstarter: Devolver Digital Just Plain Ask For Your Money
Devolver Digital Sale
I think I might be very easy to please. A simple parody, a few jokes, an old music video, some great games made cheap. It's Forkstarter, in which Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker pitches to gamers as to why they should "contribute to the phenomenal wealth of Mr. Parker and usher in a new age of extravagant spending and unmitigated opulence the likes of which the video game industry has never seen."
I am pleased. Also, Hotline Miami is only £1.74.
The sale extends across other Devolver Digital published games, including the recent Shadow Warrior remake and Serious Sam 3: BFE. A lot of the games cost less than £2, which is, what, the cost of a Mars bar? Do Mars bars still exist? I don't get out much.
Also, a lot of the games are pretty crappy, so this is mainly your opportunity to i) place a smile inside yourself that you will carry with you for the rest of the day and ii) if you haven't done so already, buy Hotline Miami, the scuzzy, neon, beat-heavy beat-'em-up about goring dogs with pool cues.
Check out the pitch video and see the full list of games on sale over on the Forkstarter site.