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Gabe Newell Now Stomping And Stabbing All Over Crawl


Oh yes, yes, Gabe Newell's in Crawl [official site] now but mercy me the Internet's obsession with him doesn't need any more stoking. Besides, the latest patch for on 3v1 compoerative (I coined that term, you can't steal it) dungeon crawler's journey through Steam Early Access also added a new Mini Beam Eye Bat evolution. Eye Bats! Boo! All the kids are in on hot Eye Bat memes, right? Loads of gifs of Victor Meldrew with the face of an Eye Bat saying "Eye don't believe it", right?

Oh, fine, fine, whatever: yes, Valve's Gabe Newell is now a towering stabby enemy in Crawl with a mighty shoryuken. (Warning: 4MB gif within.)

Along with adding Gabe and the Eye Bat, the 'Flame Skeleton update' also revamps the fiery skeleton - hence the name. It also boshes in new gods to taunt, new weapons, new spells, better aiming for ranged attacks, bug fixes, and a hearty slap of balance tweaks. Check the patch notes for the full run-down.

I've only played Crawl briefly, but was surprised that it wasn't a quick brawl play-a-dungeon-and-done deal - I was expecting five-minute rounds. No, get cosy with your pals on the sofa (make sure you have fresh water nearby, and don't slouch), as each game is more of a half-hour campaign as one player controls the hero and the others are monsters trying to murder them and take their place. Across multiple levels, you level up, find loot, and more. I wish I'd played more but, alas, it wasn't what we were looking for that night.

Anywho, here's a gif showing off some of the things new to version 0.5:


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