Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Spotlight
Review: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth review: imperfect, uneven, unfocused, unmissable
No gettin' off of this train we're on
Try this mod to calm Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s stuttering on PC
Fantasy Optimizer gives performance wobbles a good kick in the Shinra
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How to romance Tifa
How to get a Skywheel Date with Tifa
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Feed

Fantasy Optimizer gives performance wobbles a good kick in the Shinra

Supporters only | A belated word or two on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's bestiary
A short tribute to some excellent freaks

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Materia
10 of the best Materia to equip on all characters in FF7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best weapons and locations for all characters
Every FF7 Rebirth character's best weapon and location

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth review: imperfect, uneven, unfocused, unmissable
No gettin' off of this train we're on

New Square Enix policy will clamp down on harassers, bigots and "unreasonable" compensation requests
Company outlines new stance on horrible internet goblins

Our 50 most anticipated PC games of 2025
Here's what we're excited about in what looks like a big year

The RPS Selection Box: Nic’s bonus games of the year 2024
Games in a box? What is this, 1997?!

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is heading to PC in January, a year after its console launch
With some graphical enhancements

We might not wait so long for the next FF7 Remake, as Square Enix plan to “win over PC users” with “aggressive” shift away from console exclusives
Square Enix’s next remake is… themselves?

Shake-ups at Square Enix see Dragon Quest’s long standing top producer step down
Changes part of studio’s commitment to “reverse flagging sales”

Supporters only | Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s minigames are each a new sensory organ for its many novelties
But also, screw the chicken quest specifically

Supporters only | FF7 Rebirth's open world is both one step forward and one step back over FF15
Chocobros vs Roadie Boys

Trying to emulate Hollywood movie soundtracks is holding video game music back, says Final Fantasy composer
And surprise, surprise, he doesn't think soulless AI can write a decent score, either

Final Fantasy’s legendary composer Nobuo Uematsu doesn’t have the ‘strength’ to score a full video game again
Leaving his last complete soundtrack as iOS exclusive RPG Fantasian

Supporters only | If FF7 Remake is about saving the original from being an uncool 'dad game', what does that say about the modern day remake machine?
Why can't we do Bitsy remakes of FF8, goddamnit?

Don’t expect a Final Fantasy 8 remake after FF7 Remake, director suggests - it’s simply too much work
“We really have to think very hard about taking on any kind of project like that”

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is gunning hard for Yakuza's mini-game crown
Your Gold Saucer date night just got way more interesting

Watch PlayStation's State of Play January 2024 game showcase here
15+ games in 40 minutes, starting 2pm PT, 5pm ET and 10pm GMT

Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer
Naoki Yoshida also wants Square Enix to "continue challenging ourselves in the action genre"

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Gallery
Games from the Final Fantasy franchise