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Gaming Greeks: Capsized Creators Show Apotheon

Alientrap, they behind the absolutely superb Capsized, have released a trailer for their new game - Apotheon. Sit up and take notice, because if you didn't play Capsized, you missed out on one of the best PC platformers in ages. Apotheon is calling itself a 2D Action RPG.

Sword-n-spear based combat is already looking lovely in the 2D paper-craft animation. Embracing the Black Figure style of Greek pottery art, it uses silhouetted figures to what looks like splendid effect to me. We first mentioned it back in February, and now you can see it moving. Take a look:

Watch on YouTube

So Hera has overthrown Zeus, and is taking out her rage on the mortals. You play humanity's last champion, side-scrolling through the land of the dead in order to infiltrate Mount Olympus. Apparently said mountain is to be a "massive open world", for the single player campaign. And there are plans for multiplayer deathmatch and team-based modes. Not a lot more is known at this point, but we'll be hounding Alientrap for more details.

Meanwhile you should definitely check out Capsized via Steam. There's a demo too.

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