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Golden Wrench Destruction For Charity

This is somewhat inspired. You recall the Golden Wrenches circa the last Team Fortress 2 update? WiNGSPANNT despised his - number 31 - but had a bright idea of how to turn its annihilation into a force for good. In short, he's using its destruction as an excuse to raise money for Child's Play. To simplify the whole system, the twenty highest donators will be invited to join him on a server to observe this crushing to powder of a modern day Excalibur. Inspired by this Seven (Count 'em!) other golden-wrench owners are going to follow suit, with the whole ceremony being recorded for posterity. Hurrah! Anyway, go forth and donate, or watch this video which explains what's going on in further detail...

The first video...

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And a second update...

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And the most recent one...

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Hurrah! Donate here, etc.

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