Greedfall is Spiders' colonial fantasy RPG
Spiders, the team behind Mars: War Logs, Bound by Flame and The Technomancer, are working on a new RPG that goes by the name Greedfall [official site]. The title may be a callback of sorts to Silverfall, an action-RPG that many of the studio's initial developers worked on at Monte Cristo shortly before forming their new studio. Like that earlier title, Greedfall has a technology vs nature vibe, depicting an island paradise that has been discovered by colonial forces from several distinct nations. You play as a neutral, able to ally yourself with either the nature-loving natives, or any of the nations seeking to exploit the island's resources. It's all make-believe, with magic and monsters and a fictional map, but the art style and military tech is 17th century European in style.
With only a teaser trailer and a broadly Biowaresque take on RPGs to go on, it's impossible to say how Greedfall will turn out. I've never played more than a couple of hours of all the Spiders games combined, mainly because big RPGs aren't my favourite things in the world, so if I'm going to spend time with one or two annually, I'm going to pick the ones that come the most highly recommended.
Spiders games have never come highly recommended enough to put them at the top of my list. That said, I'd love Greedfall to be the first one that does. I don't enjoy the Bioware or Bethesda fashion in playing of roles, and much as I'd love to sink my teeth and my time into something a bit more retro, like Torment or another Pillars, I'm fairly sure Divinity: Original Sin 2 is the only one that I want this year. It'd be good to have something surprising and perhaps a fantastical colonial power struggle will be that thing. I'm doubtful, but open to the possibility.
Greedfall is set in a completely new world, and the many quests can be completed using "combat, diplomacy, deception or stealth". There are companions to collect, mysteries to discover and multiple endings, all based on your actions during the game. Side with the religious zealots and you might help to convert the entire island nation to whatever faith they're importing, or go with the science types and you might find a way to harness all of that raw nature energy. Of course, if you're not a bastard you'll probably be figuring out how to channel the raw nature energy so you can fire it back at all of the invaders and send them packing, and then you'll probably get to live in a tree forever.
Whatever else, if the concept art reflects the final look of the game, I'll be tempted to play it just for the pleasure of walking through a beautifully painted world.
Even though the game is set entirely on the island, as far as Spiders are willing to tell at the moment, there will be established settlements for each of the colonial powers. If that means we get to wander around streets like the ones you can see above, bring it on.