Guess What? There's Another WildStar Video!
RPS now has three pages worth of WildStar posts. Looking over the reaction in the comments, I'm seeing a fair amount of goodwill for the handsome MMO. And though public opinion took a bit of a dip when the payment model was announced, where it became clear it uses subscriptions and/or in-game currency as payment, there's still a fun looking game behind that. This little look digs into the the game's Crowd Control attacks, where it shows how being stunned and knocked down won't be as frustrating as it is in other games. Because it mostly doesn't happen.
Elements of it will remain, but the crowd control spells and effects can be countered by the player's ability. Being hit with Disarm, for example, doesn't just theoretically stop you from using your weapon, but it knocks it out your hand. You just need to run after it and grab it. This is the most basic example: there are ways to counter almost every controlling assault that the game throws your way, even allowing you to spam shots while blinded, though the Disorient spell looks like it might be tough to shake-off.
It'll be out around Spring of 2014, but there's a closed beta running right now if you feel lucky.