Happy Trogday! Free Strong Bad Episode
Well apparently it's Trogday. If you're a fan of Homestar Runner, you're probably as sad about the lack of new content on the site as me. Just because one of the Bros. Chaps had a baby doesn't mean they can miss a Decemberween cartoon, the lazy buggers. If you're not a fan, you've no idea what this is about and you're thinking of clicking away. But wait! A great way to find out would be to get a free episode of Telltale's really fantastic Strong Bad adventures. For today only they're giving away episode 5 (the last in the series, oddly) for free. And it's well worth getting hold of.
To explain. Homestar Runner is a website of Flash cartoons about a group of silly characters being silly. And it's generally very funny. The stand-out character is Strong Bad, the Mexican wrestling mask-wearing, boxing glove-handed petulant bully who answers viewer email, so it was only natural for he to be the star of the series of episodic adventure games last year. They were a lot of fun, thanks both to the consistently great writing from the H*R creators, Matt and Mike Chapman, and puzzle design from the likes of Mike Stemmle.
Episode 5 saw everything go bonkers as Strong Bad gets knocked unconscious beside his Trogdor The Burninator arcade machine, and has a deeply peculiar dream that allowed some of H*R's stranger elements to be included. And to tremendous effect. Right up until they absolutely awful ending. Which was a bit of a shame. But not enough of a shame to make it any less worth playing. Very funny, and with some really decent puzzles. And today, free!
The only catch appears to be needing to sign up to the Telltale mailing list (from which you could then immediately unsub should it offend you too greatly). You can get it from here.