Have You Played... Dungeon Keeper?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
Yes, of course you have. Wait: unless you think I mean that abomination on smartphones a little while back? No. Nooooo. Ack, between that nasty little thing and the depressing stuff Molyneux's up to these days, it's easy to forget just how good at management/strategy games Bullfrog could be. I will love Dungeon Keeper - the original Dungeon Keeper - forever.
Where, at the time, it was the humour that sold me on it, these days the gags about how deliciously naughty it is to beat up heroes, or recruiting self-flagellating dominatrixes and flatulent demons, do seem tired and safe. What works is the general tone - the gloom, the uncertainty of what's around you, the barely-concealed resentment of your dungeon's denizens, the sad, lonely tapping noise of a tired imp chipping away at cold, hard rock...
And all the time, this delicate struggle to contain chaos, make it work for you, to apply a drip-feed of learning about what likes what and who hates who as you set down rooms and usher monsters about the place. Dungeon Keeper is tight.
Of course, what I really want is Dungeon Keeper 1 with the UI and control improvements of the otherwise slightly inferior Dungeon Keeper 2. Can someone whip that up for me, please?