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Have You Played... Mark Of The Ninja?

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every weekday of the year, perhaps for all time.

Klei Entertainment might be currently wowing us all with Invisible Inc, but let's not forget how they also delighted with 2012's Mark Of The Ninja [official site].

What a step forward it was from Shank. In fact, as different as the three games are, it makes a logical midpoint between those thudding beat-em-up titles, and GOTY contender stealth-strategy Inc. Mark Of The Ninja is stealth action, and quite brilliant at it.

I do still wish for non-lethal takedowns, but then I'm nice like that. But it remains a superb stealth game that lets you feel like a real actual ninja (t-shirt tied around your face and everything).

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