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Have You Played... Super Hexagon?

Cue the spinning hexagonal walls of death

It feels like a bit of a cheat to mention this game.
ME? Talk about Super Hexagon, when I am so horrendously bad at it? My legendary attempts of which should be filmed and aired on TV in a Takeshi’s Castle-like series of cringe and pain!?

What can you expect, I suppose, from a game by Terry Cavanagh; a man who studied Mathematics at University level and therefore speaks an alien language. Now that I really think about it, all that mad darting around the screen, avoiding those spinning Hexagonal walls of death could very well be the instrument of an extra-terrestrial lifeform. A cruel one.

Why am I talking about this game again? Oh, that’s it - the MUSIC.

It’s an eargasmic cacophony of aggressive bleeps and bloops. More importantly, it has become so ingrained in my psyche that when I am about to do something particularly demanding, difficult or in record time, I immediately hear the music from the first level kick in. It says: ‘Get serious’ and of course I obey (are we sure this game wasn’t created by a malevolent force?) Such is the power of Super Hexagon’s music, and the game itself.

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