Have You Played... The Longest Journey?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
Oh, mock me if you will, but we wrote 224 of these Have You Playeds before I mentioned it. My favourite game of all time, The Longest Journey.
It's the tale of April Ryan, and 18 year old who's left home to study art in the city of Newport, 2209. Except, well, she keeps finding herself somewhere else, in the snowy fantasy world of Arcadia. And that's confusing. So begins an epic tale of an attempt to restore Balance to the universe, as April explores her role in the worlds.
It's know for featuring blue willies, lots of swearing, and so much sass, and that's all well deserved. It's also a really powerful story of faith, and the loss of faith, as well as magic, talking crows, and some bullshit puzzle about making a police officer sneeze out their glass eye. Far too long, far too much dialogue, and far too many bad puzzles, and yet it's my favourite gaming experience of all time.