GoG Releases The Longest Journey
Any excuse to post about The Longest Journey. That's my motto. And this is quite a good one. Good Old Games are putting emphasis on that first G today with the addition of one of time's finest adventures (and the game that's most important to me) to their catalogue. It is of course also available on other download sites, but getting it via GoG means it's DRM free, and it turns out, cheaper (just)! Hooray (just)! If you're in the right country! TLJ is currently £5.99/9.99€/$9.99 on Steam. Via GoG it's $9.99, which translates to £5.45 in the UK, but for our European allies it plummets to 6.11€. If you want to know more about the game, and why it's so damned special, there's a million squillion things to read about it on this site. If you haven't played it yet, I hate you. But I'm prepared to forgive you.