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Hearthstone Arena rewards list - July 2017

All of the updated tiered rewards you can win in Hearthstone's Arena mode.

Arena's long been considered a great way to both increase your card collection and earn more Gold in Hearthstone, particularly for those who are experienced with the game or other CCGs. Even new players should consider venturing into this mode, as you're guaranteed to receive a pack of cards for the 150 Gold entry fee, and you'll make the other 50G back if you can crack three wins or more.

Beyond those early successes you'll earn extra Gold and crafting dust in increasingly high quantities, relative to how many wins you manage to achieve on each particular run. Some of these rewards are guaranteed for each rank, before a randomly selected bonus reward is sprinkled on top.

Here's a quick breakdown of what you can expect to receive as you tot up increasingly high numbers of wins in Hearthstone's Arena. Don't forget to check out our Arena guide before you head into battle too. We've also got a regularly updated list of the best Arena classes too.

Editor's Note: We've updated this list to reflect the latest changes made to the Arena reward structure. All ranks have been checked and should now be accurate. Please let us know of any discrepancies you believe exist in the comments section.

Arena's Gold, Dust and card rewards

Wins 0 - Novice

1 x Card Pack

1 Random: 25-40 Gold OR 25-40 Dust OR 1 x Common card

Wins 1 - Apprentice

1 x Card Pack

1 Random: 30-50 Gold OR 25-50 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 2 - Journeyman

1 x Card Pack

1 Random: 40-60 Gold OR 40-50 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR 1 x Rare card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 3 - Copper

1 x Card Pack

25-35 Gold

1 Random: 20-25 Gold OR 20-25 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR 1 x Rare card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 4 – Silver

1 x Card Pack

40-60 Gold

1 Random: 20-30 Gold OR 20-25 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR 1 x Rare card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 5 – Gold

1 x Card Pack

45-60 Gold

1 Random: 45-60 Gold OR 45-60 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR 1 x Rare card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 6 – Platinum

1 x 1 x Card Pack

75-85 Gold

1 Random: 45-60 Gold OR 45-60 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR 1 x Rare card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 7 - Diamond

1 x Card Pack

150-160 Gold

1 Random: 20-30 Gold OR 20-25 Dust OR 1 x Common card OR Rare card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 8 - Champion

1 x Card Pack

150-160 Gold

2 Random: 20-45 Gold, 20-25 Dust, 1 x Golden / Regular Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 9 - Ruby

1 x Card Pack

150-165 Gold

2 Random: 20-120 Gold, 20-50 Dust, 1 x Golden / Regular Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 10 - Frostborn

1 x Card Pack

150-185 Gold

2 Random: 65-125 Gold, 65-95 Dust, 1 x Golden / Regular Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 11 - Molten

1 x Card Pack

195-210 Gold

2 Random: 70-180 Gold, 60-95 Dust, 1 x Golden / Regular Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary card OR 1 x Card Pack

Wins 12 - Lightforge

1 x Card Pack

215-235 Gold

3 Random: 25-185 Gold, 1 x Golden / Regular Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary card OR 1 x Card Pack

Breaking even in Arena

Going by the chart above, the break-even point for gaining all of your entry fee back in Arena is reaching seven wins. This is also known in the community as "going infinite" at the game mode. Reaching this goal requires you to be an above-average player, however, so don't feel bad if it takes you a long time to reach this level of play! If you're regularly achieving five or more wins, you're doing extremely well.

Making more Gold in Arena

There's another way of gaining Gold through playing Arena as well. You won't receive the 10 Gold for every three wins that you get in Constructed or Ranked play, but you will be able to work towards your Daily Quests. Before doing lethal damage to your opponent, check to see if you can play another card that would count towards one of your current quests.

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