Hearthstone: Even Warrior deck guide (Genn Greymane)
A guide to the impact of Genn Greymane on Warriors in The Witchwood.
In amongst the 130 or so cards being added to Hearthstone with The Witchwood expansion are two minions dedicated to decks that consist of either entirely odd or entirely even-cost cards. Genn Greymane is the card associated with the even-cost decks and we thought it would be useful to highlight the impact of this character on all heroes in the game. In this article, that means the Warrior!
Why would you want to go to all this bother of limiting your deck list this anyway? Well, not only does Genn grant you a reasonably solid 6 / 5 minion on the board, he also reduces the cost of your Hero Power to one Mana if you fulfil that condition. That means you can use your lower cost Hero Power to fill in the gaps that he inevitably creates in your Mana curve. We're fascinated to see what impact this will have on the meta once the expansion goes live.
For now this article is focused heavily on the Standard format, although we've covered some of the most popular Wild decks currently seeing play towards the bottom of this article. We'll also be adding in Genn Warrior deck lists once the expansion goes live, so you can play around with some of the best experiments yourself!
Genn Greymane and Warrior cards in the Classic / Basic sets
If you want to put Genn Greymane into your deck and gain the advantage of that Hero Power cost reduction, you won't be able to make use of the following Warrior cards from the Basic and Classic sets:
- Shield Slam (1 Mana)
- Upgrade! (1 Mana)
- Frothing Berserker (3 Mana)
- Brawl (5 Mana)
- Gorehowl (7 Mana)
- Charge (1 Mana)
- Whirlwind (1 Mana)
- Fiery War Axe (3 Mana)
- Shield Block (3 Mana)
- Warsong Commander (3 Mana)
- Arcanite Reaper (5 Mana)
More great Warrior guides:
- 1. Best Budget Decks - Hearthstone: Best Budget Decks for Ashes of Outland
- 2. Tier List - Hearthstone deck tier list (Ashes of Outland)
- 3. Bomb Warrior - Bomb Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 4. Galakrond Tempo Warrior - Galakrond Tempo Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 5. Face Highlander Warrior - Face Highlander Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 6. Pirate Galakrond Warrior - Pirate Galakrond Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
- 7. Highlander Dragon Warrior - Highlander Dragon Warrior deck list guide (Ashes of Outland)
Genn Greymane and Warrior cards in the Standard format
In the Year of the Raven, The Witchwood will be joined by Journey to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds and Catacombs in the Standard format. For Genn Greymane Warrior decks, that means the following cards will be completely locked out:
The Witchwood
- Town Crier (1 Mana)
- Rabid Worgen (3 Mana)
- Darius Crowley (5 Mana)
- Blackhowl Gun Turret (7 Mana)
- Fire Plume's Heart (1 Mana)
- Iron Hide (1 Mana)
- Molten Blade (1 Mana)
- Direhorn Hatchling (5 Mana)
- Sudden Genesis (5 Mana)
- Tar Lord (7 Mana)
- King Mosh (9 Mana)
Frozen Throne
- Animated Berserker (1 Mana)
- Mountainfire Armor (3 Mana)
- Val'kyr Soulclaimer (3 Mana)
- Death Revenant (5 Mana)
Kobolds and Catacombs
- Kobold Barbarian (3 Mana)
- Reckless Flurry (3 Mana)
- Lesser Mithril Spellstone (7 Mana)
Other Baku / Genn deck guides:
Baku the Mooneater | Genn Greymane |
Odd Druid | Even Druid |
Odd Hunter | Even Hunter |
Odd Mage | Even Mage |
Odd Paladin | Even Paladin |
Odd Priest | Even Priest |
Odd Rogue | Even Rogue |
Odd Shaman | Even Shaman |
Odd Warlock | Even Warlock |
Odd Warrior | Even Warrior |
Genn Greymane and Warrior cards in the Wild format
The Wild meta is very hard to predict as we don't know which new decks will rise to prominence with the start of a new rotation. That said it's interesting to think about what Genn would mean to some of the most popular Wild decks in the current meta.
Wild decks make use of a wider variety of cards by design, but the following core cards could not be included in a Genn version of each given archetype:
Wild Pirate Warrior
- Cursed Blade (1 Mana)
- N'Zoth's First Mate (1 Mana)
- Patches the Pirate (1 Mana)
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton (1 Mana)
- Southsea Deckhand (1 Mana)
- Upgrade! (1 Mana)
- Bloodsail Cultist (3 Mana)
- Frothing Berserker (3 Mana)
- Southsea Captain (3 Mana)
- Leeroy Jenkins (5 Mana)
Wild Control Warrior
- Shield Slam (1 Mana)
- Acolyte of Pain (3 Mana)
- Deathlord (3 Mana)
- Gluttonous Ooze (3 Mana)
- Ravaging Ghoul (3 Mana)
- Shield Block (3 Mana)
- Brawl (5 Mana)
- Direhorn Hatchling (5 Mana)
- Sludge Belcher (3 Mana)
That wraps up the first edition of our Even Warrior guide. To find out more about what's coming to the game next month, have a read up of our Witchwood guide, and we've got everything you need to know about the new single-player mode in our Monster Hunt guide. Curious about when The Witchwood launches? Have a look at our Witchwood release date page for all the latest speculation.