Hearthstone's Upcoming Decksplosion
Hearthstone's first expansion teasers
"More than 100."
If we were playing Jeopardy Alex Trebek would be standing about in a nice suit waiting for your light to come on and for you to say "What is new Hearthstone cards?" He would maybe then look at you strangely because even by Jeopardy's standards that's an incredibly awkwardly phrased Q&A. He is very disappointed in you even though you've just earned, like, $600 or something.
In case that didn't make anything clear, Hearthstone will be getting an injection of more than 100 new cards in its first expansion.
"I think we're going to mix it up a little bit with this next release, which will be our first expansion," is what the game's production director, Jason Chayes, said to Polygon. "It will have a lot more cards. We're talking about more than 100. We are going to have a central theme for how that will all fit together. That'll be the next thing coming up."
More than 100 cards.
The idea of more than 100 cards actually fills me with dread. I was bad enough at vanilla Hearthstone, then Curse Of Naxxramas added even more content and now there's going to be this to contend with. The game isn't even installed on my computer anymore. I deleted it soon after defeating a commissioning editor by kicking him to death with the sheep he'd just polymorphed one of my cards into. I was worried I would a) never reach that heady height again and b) jeopardise my entire freelancing career.
As if he could sense my fear, Chayes went on to add "We really want to make sure the pacing is great not just for seasoned Hearthstone players but for new players coming into the game too. We really want to pay attention to how that is for the entirety of the player base. Does that feel like the right amount of content? Is it too little? Is it too much? We feel like this is a good starting point."
I hope it is, Jason. I hope it is.