Hearthstone: Odd Warlock deck guide (Baku the Mooneater)
How Baku the Mooneater will impact Warlock decks in The Witchwood.
If you were hoping for something truly new to tuck into the next Hearthstone expansion, then Baku the Mooneater might be just the ticket for you. This new card has an intriguing interaction with your Hero Power, enhancing its potency from the very start of each game (think Justicar Trueheart), but only if your deck consists of nothing but odd-cost cards.
While that represents a challenging deck-building constraint (all heroes have something they really don’t want to lose in this regard), we think it could lead to some very interesting Warlock decks. We’re certainly looking forward to seeing what gets cooked up by the Hearthstone community in the early days of the new meta.
In this article, we wanted to take a look at what a Baku deck would mean for the Warlock class. We’ve broken down all of the class cards you won’t be able to make use of, so you can work out at a glance what will and won’t work. It’s very much focused on the Standard format in this first edition, but we have some notes on Wild decks that are currently being played a lot as well.
Baku and Warlock cards in the Classic / Basic sets
When building a Baku deck you need to keep in mind that you will not be able to use any of the following cards in the Classic and Basic sets. Siphon Soul, Hellfire and Twisting Nether seem like particular pain points here.
- Demonfire (2 Mana)
- Pit Lord (4 Mana)
- Shadowflame (4 Mana)
- Summoning Portal (4 Mana)
- Siphon Soul (6 Mana)
- Twisting Nether (8 Mana)
- Sacrificial Pact (0 Mana)
- Succubus (2 Mana)
- Hellfire (4 Mana)
- Dread Infernal (6 Mana)
More great Warlock guides:
- 1. Descent of Dragons - Hearthstone: Descent of Dragons guide
- 2. Tier List - Hearthstone deck tier list (Descent of Dragons)
- 3. Best Dragons - 5 Best Dragons in Descent of Dragons
- 4. Zoo Warlock - Zoo Warlock deck list guide (Descent of Dragons)
- 5. Quest (Plot Twist) Warlock - Quest Warlock deck list guide (Descent of Dragons)
- 6. Highlander Warlock - Highlander Warlock deck list guide (Descent of Dragons)
- 7. Mecha'thun Warlock - Mecha'thun Warlock deck list guide (Descent of Dragons)
- 8. Galakrond Warlock - Galakrond Warlock deck list guide (Descent of Dragons)
Baku and Warlock cards in the Standard format
Once The Witchwood expansion goes live, you’ll only be able to make use of cards from this set, as well as the Un’Goro, Frozen Throne and Kobolds sets - in the Standard format at least.
Here are the even-cost Warlock cards from each expansion that you won’t be able to utilise in a deck built around Baku the Mooneater.
The Witchwood
- Curse of Weakness (4 Mana)
- Fiendish Circle (4 Mana)
- Blood Witch (4 Mana)
- Glinda Crowskin (6 Mana)
- Bloodbloom (2 Mana)
- Clutchmother Zavas (2 Mana)
- Corrupting Mist (2 Mana)
- Lakkari Felhound (4 Mana)
- Ravenous Pterrordax (4 Mana)
- Cruel Dinomancer (6 Mana)
Frozen Throne
- Defile (2 Mana)
- Drain Soul (2 Mana)
- Gnomeferatu (2 Mana)
- Bloodreaver Gul'dan (10 Mana)
Kobolds and Catacombs
- Vulgar homunculus (2 Mana)
- Cataclysm (4 Mana)
- Hooked Reaver (4 Mana)
- Lesser Amethyst Spellstone (4 Mana)
- Rin, the First Disciple (6 Mana)
Other Baku / Genn deck guides:
Baku the Mooneater | Genn Greymane |
Odd Druid | Even Druid |
Odd Hunter | Even Hunter |
Odd Mage | Even Mage |
Odd Paladin | Even Paladin |
Odd Priest | Even Priest |
Odd Rogue | Even Rogue |
Odd Shaman | Even Shaman |
Odd Warlock | Even Warlock |
Odd Warrior | Even Warrior |
Baku and Warlock cards in the Wild format
We’ll have to wait a while to see what The Witchwood will end up doing to the Wild meta, but it’s interesting to look at some of the current popular decks for the format in the context of Baku:
(Note that 0 Mana cards count as even)
Wild Giants Warlock
- Sacrificial Pact (0 Mana)
- Defile (2 Mana)
- Doomsayer (2 Mana)
- Hellfire (4 Mana)
- Lesser Amethyst Spellstone (4 Mana)
- Shadowflame (4 Mana)
- Voidcaller (4 Mana)
- Bloodreaver Gul'dan (10 Mana)
- Sea Giant (10 Mana)
- Clockwork Giant (12 Mana)
- Mountain Giant (12 Mana)
Wild Giants Cubelock
- Darkbomb (2 Mana)
- Defile (2 Mana)
- Doomsayer (2 Mana)
- Hellfire (4 Mana)
- Lesser Amethyst Spellstone (4 Mana)
- Spiritsinger Umbra (4 Mana)
- Voidcaller (4 Mana)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (6 Mana)
- Bloodreaver Gul'dan (10 Mana)
- N'Zoth, the Corruptor (10 Mana)
Wild Renolock
- Darkbomb (2 Mana)
- Dark Peddler (2 Mana)
- Defile (2 Mana)
- Dirty Rat (2 Mana)
- Doomsayer (2 Mana)
- Gnomeferatu (2 Mana)
- Barnes (4 Mana)
- Hellfire (4 Mana)
- Kazakus (4 Mana)
- Shadowflame (4 Mana)
- Spellbreaker (4 Mana)
- Voidcaller (4 Mana)
- Emperor Thaurissan (6 Mana)
- Reno Jackson (6 Mana)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (6 Mana)
- Ragnaros the Firelord (8 Mana)
- Twisting Nether (8 Mana)
- Bloodreaver Gul'dan (10 Mana)
- Mountain Giant (12 Mana)
Wild Zoo Warlock
- Bloodbloom (2 Mana)
- Demonfire (2 Mana)
- Vulgar Homunculus (2 Mana)
- Hooked Reaver (4 Mana)
- Spellbreaker (4 Mana)
That wraps up our Odd Warlock (Baku) guide for now. We’ll have deck lists for you in the next update, which will take place once all of the card reveals have been finished for the new set.
In the meantime, you can catch up on all the latest developments by reading through our Witchwood guide. We’ve also gathered together everything we currently know about the new single player content in our Monster Hunt guide. Finally, check out our Witchwood release date page for more information on when we believe the new content will actually go live.