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Heroes Of The Storm Unlocks All Heroes This Weekend

Get yr wiz on

Every character in Blizzard's free-to-play MOBA Heroes of the Storm [official site] will be available to play free of charge this weekend. Normally HotS has the usual MOBA deal of only making a small, rotating lineup of ten wizards free at any one time, wanting people to pay up (real or fake money) to unlock wizards permanently. But with the grand finals of their Heroes of the Dorm college team tournament this weekend, Blizzard are celebrating and welcoming folks in with an unlocked roster and bonus XP.

As Blizzard explain, all fifty wizards/summoners/heroes/champions/gods will be unlocked from 10am PDT today (that's 6pm UK time) until Monday at 10am PDT (6pm again!). If you wanna give a wizard a whirl, knock yourself out. Heart of the Swarm does offer short sandbox trials for all wizards, but it's hardly as good as playing with them in proper matches for a few days.

Blizzard are also giving 50% bonus XP for games played.

I don't play Heroes of Warcraft myself, as I only have enough room in my heart and muscle memory for one MOBA, but I'm sure Pip would be disappointed if I didn't post this. She's sending me texts from Rezzed, so this is the least I can do.

As I'm sure Blizzard say all the time, get yr wiz on.

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