Hyperbole Pick 'n Mix
This new video trailer for Crysis mixes developer Cervat Yerli talking fairly frankly about the game, with Microsoft and Nvidia folks delivering empty eulogies that seem to have been downloaded directly from MarketingBrain HQ. The footage has a similar piecemeal quality to it. There are man-shooting, grenade-lobbing scenes when it it looks like Crysis is simply Another Generic Shooter, and then contrasting scenes where you have to sit back with raised eyebrows and nod in agreement with Cervat: it does look a bit gosh blimey. Have a look for yourself:
Thanks Game Trailers, thanks.
Demo on 26th October, full game on the 16th of November, says Cervat. And my bank balance tells me I'm not going to be able to play this game with anything like the "fidelity" that will make it really impressive, whether I have DirectX 10 installed or not. Bum.