"I Shit More Pixels Than This" - Top FPS
Here's the finest piece of machinima I've seen in a while, created by Lag Spike Films. Called Top FPS, it's a spoof of American reality television, pitting eight FPS characters against each other in a series of tests of skill. With HL2's Barney playing the part of Jeff Probst, they're given trials from shows such as Survivor, Top Chef, Scrapheap Challenge and American Idol. It's pretty damned funny. Watch it below.
This is all the work of SteveM and MikeJ, with - amazingly - all the voices provided by one guy, Dan Gavin (who does a better Scottish accent than the guy Valve hired). It feels oddly appropriate after my post from this morning, as it happens, especially with claims that /b/ were involved in some of the stranger results on Gamespot's poll. Anyway, do enjoy:
Big thanks to subscriber Cole for the tip.