January Jungles: Borderlands 2 DLC Goes Hunting
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt is the next wedge of DLC for Borderlands 2. A big game hunt could be a sort of man-shooter shooter, but spiffy old Hammerlock is more concerned with blowing the pelts off the hordes of beasties that populate Pandora. The new post-campaign story content will introduce a new villain and, most exciting, a new continent that is covered in jungles and swamps. Although any 'Sir' worthy of the title is sure to doff a cap occasionally, the DLC won't be raising the cap. The level cap that is. In an interview with IGN, 2K did suggest that the level cap will increase in the first quarter of 2013, possibly in a second season of new content. A video-trailer follows, as is customary.
The DLC will be available January 15th. Tally ho and all that.