It's Rico Time: Just Cause 3's Spectacular Reveal Trailer
I want to go there
Watching the “gameplay reveal” trailer for Just Cause 3 is like watching the ambitions of every guns, vehicles and explosions game made real. It's the ludicrously overblown action blockbuster that Uncharted's scripted events and cutscenes invoke. It's Far Cry with the stabilisers taken off. GTA V with many of the best mods you can imagine included as standard. It has sunk its grapple hook into my heart.
Rewatching a second (then third and fourth time), I enjoyed spotting the grapple lines I'd missed the first time around, and I'm convinced that Rico is balancing on top of at least one aircraft in every scene.
Of the trailer, Avalanche say:
This footage is all actual gameplay. It was captured in-game using cinematic camera angles. It contains no cut scenes. Nothing was staged or scripted.
I like just about everything I'm seeing here but my favourite part might just be the car drifting through the sunflowers. Lovely. I'm even willing to ignore the silly pre-order exclusives. Except I haven't ignored them at all, have I? I just pointed out how silly they are.
The game is "coming Holiday 2015". There's a UK Bank Holiday next Monday so let's hope we can start pre-loading tonight. Surely the powers that be wouldn't show us all of those fancy explosions and then make us wait until the end of the year to play?
If Just Cause 3 really is slated for release in the Thanksgiving period, Avalanche might be doing what retail analysts refer to as the "double-dip digital dalliance". The studio also has a Mad Max game in the works, due at the beginning of September. It looks great, although now I can't help but think it's a grittier Just Cause with half of the colours missing.
When you've watched the trailer fifteen times, you could always entertain yourself by reading John's letter to Avalanche, in which he says "Oi! Don't let the game get in the way of the fun!". I'm paraphrasing.