LAN, FOV, PC UI: Borderlands 2 Wants You Bad, Baby
The time: Autumn 2009.
The place: My PC, Jim's PC, John's PC, Kieron's PC.
The game: Borderlands.
The situation: staring at router configuration screens, weeping, screaming, failing to make co-op work.
The time: Spring 2012.
The place: The internet.
The game: Borderlands 2.
The promise: Not to screw up the PC version.
Gearbox are determined to win back the trust of wary PC gamers after Borderlands' squiffy menus and port-forwarding horrors, and they've enlisted their increasingly ubiquitous robo-buddy Claptrap to make a new play for our hearts. In a seedy love letter written specifically for you, Ian PC Gamer, ol'Clappers details exactly what's going to be different this time around, and exactly what PC-specific features Blands 2 will include. "I listened, baby", the squeaky droid promises. He also offers these things:
I feel a little bad about including that image, actually - it's skipping straight to the dirty stuff. Really, you should read Claptrap's frenzied foreplay first.
That's a reassuring list of promises though (even if it cheats a little by including obvious, mandatory stuff like resolutions and key remapping), and being made far enough in advance of the September launch that it seems more than likely they really can come to pass. LAN! How rarely we see that supported by big games anymore.
What about mod support though, Claptrap? What about that? Show us you mean it, and that you're not just a big fat flirt.