Mafia II: The Enviddening
Mafia II is the year's most anticipated game about watching lavish cutscenes, driving to places and shooting people then watching more lavish cutscenes before driving to places and shooting people. Expect vast quantities of gloss and pizazz from this one. Oooh, I've never written the word 'pizazz' before. It's fun, isn't it? Anyway: I believe our man John 'Giggles' Walker will be presenting you with a write-up of his forthcoming hands-on time with the PC build in the not-too-distant, but in the meantime here's a few of the devs (including Czech guys dubbed into English) talking about and, more importantly, demonstrating some of the finer points* of this highly anticipated driving/shooting/watching game.
*I.e. "smashing men's faces into car doors."
Sorry about the weird 'some woman just bit a cop' thingy on top-right, by the way. It was either this or an age-gated copy off Gametrailers.