Meet The Heretic: Space Marine vs Chaos
Heretics! Blood Letters! Chaos Space Marines! And Orks. Always with the Orks. (The Orks need their own game, really: they get such a bad rap, treated as idiots and fodder). Here's the Chaos-centric E3 trailer for Space Marine, a game I am very much looking forward too, albeit with the concern that the lone hero thingy might not entirely sit well my own vision of Space Marineyness. Still, I love the 40K universe as much as any poorly-shaven man of my generation, so the opportunity to get all first-person on it makes me tremble like a tiny rabbit.
Only a few months until this one now, which means everything we're seeing from this stage onwards is a lock. Which means it's probably not worth opening a petition for Tyranids at this stage, is it? DAMMIT.