Neverwinter Is Excited About Its Great Weapon Fighter
I asked Adam if the Neverwinter remake was out, and he said he thought it was. Then I checked and it turns out it's not. We were both wrong. I was thinking of the Baldur's Gate remake, and Adam just got confused and believed every game ever was released. The boy's been planning a Half-Life 5 marathon, and I had to break it to him. That is the worst part of the job, believe me. He can make a puppy face like no-one else. The best bit is when I get to show you all trailers of upcoming games, especially when they toss around terms like "Great Weapon Fighter". Click your strong internet browser and use your average eyeball lookers to watch it.
To be honest, if I had an attack that would whack at least four enemies with one sword stroke I'd come up with a name like "Great Weapon Fighter", too. Alas my life is not so interesting. I'm a Good Shoe Walker, or a Decent Pizza Chewer at best. Here's the trailer.
I hunted high and low for a release date, but all they're saying is early in 2013. But in my head, it's been out for years.