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New Serious Sam Made By Serious Fans Seriously On Steam

Sam as always

We should be seeing and hopefully playing Serious Sam 4 by the end of this year, but until then you'll just have to make do with fan remakes of the series' first two games with an entire new campaign, bosses, an upgraded engine, 64-bit compatibility, Steam trading cards, and buzzword buzzword buzz buzz buzz I am a bee. It's a bit odd given that Croteam already released remakes of its own in Serious Sam HD, but here we are. The team at Alligator Pit has Croteam's full support, so it's not like anyone is stepping on anybody else's toes. Serious Sam Classics: Revolution is now on Steam Early Access, and you can see it in action below.

It's not quite as pretty as the Serious Sam HD editions, but it may well pack even more of a punch. For now your $4.99 (or nothing, if you already own the vanilla versions of Serious Sam First and Second Encounter) will get you both full games running on the improved engine and a few new versus and survival levels.

By now, however, you've probably already played most of that a hundred-billion samillion silmarillion times over. Fortunately, new stuff is on the way if you're willing to commit that most un-Sam-like of sins: stop and wait a tick.

  • A brand new campaign with new and exciting enemies, environments and a special ending boss!
  • The beloved Plasmagun and Minelayer from the Warped mod!
  • Even more new and refined gamemodes!
  • Even moooooore achievements, and icons for them!
  • A fully featured scripting engine for advanced mod creation!
  • More OpenGL shader integration like post processing and more!
  • More versus maps and fixes to the current ones based on user feedback!
  • For modders, we'll be adding a set of tutorial maps to showcase the new features we've added to the engine!
  • Steam Trading Cards!

Thrilling! I know because a flock of exclamation points told me!

It remains to be seen if Alligator's got what it takes to develop good content, but I suppose only time will tell. For now, though, it's Serious Sam. You can't really go wrong with that.

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