Serious Sam: The First Encounter is free on GOG until Wednesday
Serious discounts in store
Sam Stone Cold Serious has a new adventure Serious Sam 4 coming out shortly but if you're looking for a bit of the old before you sample the new, you can grab Serious Sam: The First Encounter free to keep. It's free for just two days as part of GOG's autumn sale. A deal so good you just want to "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
The First Encounter is the first of the Serious Sammys from yonks back in 2001. It has yer guy Sam saving the world from aliens by going back in time to Egypt to kill the buggers last time they showed up on the planet. It's Duke Nukem but silly with magic and aliens and guys with no heads and two bombs for hands. Classic FPS stuff.
I've not played it myself, which is usually the point at which I share the wise opinions of some other RPS member but it looks like Alec Meer got distracted attempting to tell you about it. So ah, take that as you will.
You can find The First Encounter free on GOG until Wednesday, August 26th at 2pm BST / 9am EDT.
You can also snag some other hefty discounts on classic games (and not classic games) in GOG's Harvest Sale until August 31st. If you're in the mood for other classic FPS games, Turok is 65% off, Far Cry is 60% off, and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter is 85% off.