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Not Entirely Silent Assassin: The Sound Of Hitman

Amidst the eardrum-bursting din of day-to-day existence, it's easy to lose track of the little things. The important things. For instance, when was the last time you tossed your schedule in the wastebasket, picked up the phone, and called Agent 47 voice actor David Bateson to tell him how much you appreciate the tremendous role he's played in your life? His vocal stylings are the perfect mixture of gruff, foreboding, and silky smooth - a beautifully layered sandwich of sound that often goes under-appreciated. But Hitman: Subtitle has many noises. Let them enter your sound-intake orifice after the break.

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So the soundtrack seems fairly typical - though I do hope it's able to accentuate smaller, slower moments in addition to those of Hollywood horn blast grandiosity. Also, it's a shame they didn't really focus on environmental sounds and things of that nature. I mean, we know for a fact that things blow up in an acceptable fashion, but what about the mundane chaos of a loud crowd and how that affects gameplay?

Oh well. Regardless, it's all looking quite nice. IO and Square Enix had me pretty worried for a while there, but Agent 47 still seems to mostly be doing his thing - not some gung-ho soldier man's. Color me cautiously optimistic. How about you?

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